
I dag Søndag den 22. September 2019 udgiver jeg Tang Thorkils Billedbog 2 Det er nogle af de bedste billeder, jeg har skudt af min Tangmad, siden jeg udgav Tang Thorkils Billedbog.

Jeg har lavet en billedbog med nogle af de bedste billeder fra 10 års privat
fremstilling af mad med spiselig tang. Det er ingen kogebog, men den er
udmærket til at blive inspireret.

Jeg har kaldt bogen Tang Thorkils Billedbog.

Since I’m also having a lot of international Seaweed Friends I have translated my Seaweed Picture Book to english today. Note it’s not a cookingbook but just some excellent pictures from nine years of private cooking with Seaweed. Only meant to inspire with the message … there are no limits but the imagination for use of the edible Seaweeds in dayli cooking at home.

I have given the translation the name picturebook

I have made an English version of my second picturebook:
Tang Thorkils Second Picturebook

2023 March I have PDF published Tang Thorkils third picturebook